Jacobsthal Elements

The Jacobsthal elements, \(\mathcal{J}_n\) of \(\text{TL}_n\) are defined by Boyd and Hepworth12. They are so named as the number of diagrams in their support is given by the Jacobsthal numbers. There is an exact sequence \[0 \xrightarrow{} \mathcal{F}_n \xrightarrow{} \text{TL}_n\xrightarrow{-\cdot\mathcal{J}_n} \text{TL}_n\] where \(\mathcal{F}_n\) is the mysterious “Fineberg” module.

We present some of the Jacobsthal elements and some information about them below. In these calculations, \(X = \mu/ \lambda = -v\) and the loop resolves to a factor of \(v + v^{-1} = -X - X^{-1}\).

\(\mathcal{J}_1\) pdf data \(\mathcal{J}_2\) pdf data \(\mathcal{J}_3\) pdf data
\(\mathcal{J}_4\) pdf data \(\mathcal{J}_5\) pdf data \(\mathcal{J}_6\) pdf data
\(\mathcal{J}_7\) pdf data \(\mathcal{J}_8\) pdf data \(\mathcal{J}_9\) pdf data


The Jacobsthal elements are defined as

\[\mathcal{J}_n = (-1)^{n-1}\sum_{\substack{n > a_1> \cdots > a_r > 0\\n-a_1 \text{odd}}} \left(\frac \mu\lambda\right)^r U_{a_1}\cdots U_{a_r}\]

The relevant code to generate the above is this:

use itertools::Itertools;
use temperley_lieb_cat::structures::*;
use temperley_lieb_cat::*;

/// Returns all sequences l-1 >= a_1 > a_2 > ... > a_r >= 1 with l - a_1 odd
/// If r = 0 then either return nothing if l even or an empty sequence if l odd.
fn good_runs(l: usize, r: usize) -> Vec<Vec<usize>> {
    match (l, r) {
        (l, 0) if l % 2 == 1 => {
        (l, 0) if l % 2 == 0 => {
        (l, r) => {
                .filter(|x| (l - x.last().unwrap()) % 2 == 1)

// We assume run is sorted from smallest to largest
fn make_run_elt(n: usize, l: usize, run: &[usize]) -> TLMorphism<Laurent> {
    let mut ans = TLMorphism::id(n);
    ans.repoint(Some(-Laurent::gen() - Laurent::inv_gen()));
    for ai in run {
        ans = TLMorphism::u(n, n - (ai + n - l)) * ans;

fn jacobsthal(n: usize, l: usize) -> TLMorphism<Laurent> {
    assert!(n >= l);
    let mut ans = TLMorphism::id_zero(n);
    let mut mu_by_lambda = if n % 2 == 1 {
    } else {
    for r in 0..=l - 1 {
        for run in good_runs(l, r) {
            ans = ans + make_run_elt(n, l, &run) * &mu_by_lambda;
        mu_by_lambda = mu_by_lambda * Laurent::gen();

fn main() {
    let n = std::env::args()
        .expect("pass in n as a parameter")
        .expect("pass in a number");
    let mut elt = jacobsthal(n, n);
    elt.repoint(Some(-Laurent::gen() - Laurent::inv_gen()));
    let after = if n > 4 {
    } else {
        let basis_diagrams = TLDiagram::all(n, n);
        let matrix_r = matrix_for_elt(&elt, true, &basis_diagrams);
        let matrix_l = matrix_for_elt(&elt, false, &basis_diagrams);
            "$\\\\\n\nIn the basis\\\\\n\n${}$\\\\\n\nthis acts by right multiplication as\\\\\n\n${}$\\\\\n\nand by left multiplication by\\\\\n\n${}",
        "\\mathcal{{J}}_{{ {0} }} = {1}$\\\\\n\n$\\mathcal{{J}}_{{ {0} }}^2 = {2}{3}",
        (&elt * &elt).into_tex(),

fn matrix_for_elt(e: &TLMorphism<Laurent>, right: bool, basis_diagrams: &[TLDiagram]) -> String {
    let mut rows = Vec::new();
    let basis: Vec<_> = basis_diagrams
        .map(|x| TLMorphism::<Laurent>::from(*x))
    for col in basis {
        let mul = if right { &col * e } else { e * &col };
        let mut row = Vec::new();
        for b in basis_diagrams {
fn matrix_for_rows<T: Tex>(rows: &[Vec<T>]) -> String {
    let mut matrix = "\\begin{pmatrix}".to_owned();
    let mut first_row = true;
    for row in rows {
        if !first_row {
            matrix = matrix + "\\\\\n";
        first_row = false;
        let mut first = true;
        for col in row {
            if !first {
                matrix = matrix + "&";
            matrix = matrix + &col.into_tex();
            first = false;
    matrix + "\\end{pmatrix}"

  1. Boyd, Rachael, and Richard Hepworth. “Combinatorics of injective words for Temperley-Lieb algebras.” Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 181 (2021): 105446. ↩︎

  2. The paper on the ArXiv. ↩︎